Tee - Psychic Delivery Service
No need to let us know your deepest, darkest secrets- here, take this.
้ซไพฟ) is a parody on the largest delivery company in Japan, TA-Q-BIN (ๅฎ
TA-CO-BEAN hires a group of boxheads with animal partials who claim they're wearing boxes for anonymity, but citizens are suspicious of them! They launch Psychic Delivery Service (่ณ่ฃ้
้ใตใผใใน), a telepathic shipping service where they use radar guns on random Supies (animal characters) to find out their deepest, darkest secrets and deliver it to them without warning.
Are these boxheads truly one of them? Are they aliens? Do they think they're mixing in by pulling these stunt-like activities??